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Tall Thoughts - famous quotes
Sample quotes from volume I | Sample Quotes from Volume II | How to Order

famous quotes, inspirational quotes


Tall Thoughts are a two Volume series of inspirational quotes published by Crest Publications for many hours of Enjoyable Inspirational Reading. Tall Thought's famous quotes has already been placed in hospitals where the value of having good reading material, is the answer to the daily problems.  Tall Thoughts famous quotations are specifically hand picked to stir your imagination and interest, as well as provide you with pleasure and knowledge.
The advantage of being able to read famous quotations, and to be able to stop whenever you want, without having to worry of stopping in the middle of the story makes this kind of reading. "just what the doctor ordered," in this very busy world of ours.

"Improve yourself and the world around you will improve!"

    The world is now in turmoil and strife.  "Man's inhumanity to man" is causing wasted lives of mostly innocent people.  The root cause of most of t he world's trouble (if it can be put into one word) is ignorance!  Whether ignorance is the result of the oppression of freedom brought on by bad governments; or whether by lack of true knoweldge due to a low quality of education; or whether by not being able to hear and realize the good and moral principals which would foster a conscience that would serve to respect the lives and the rights of neighbors; the cancer of ignorance must be constantly confronted, head on, so that it can be continually reduced.

One way to begin to challenge ignorance is to try to fill your mind and soul with great words and ideas put down on paper by very wise and learned good speakers and writers.  First gain quality knowledge. Then hopefully acquire wisdom.  But most importantly, as the Bible entreats us, "With all thy getting, get thee understanding!"

Who can Benefit from TALL THOUGHTS?

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Hospital Patients
  • Inspirational Readers
  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Anyone wanting to grow as a person
  • Anyone who enjoys famous quotations or inspirational quotes

You can begin this important quest by taking action and learning. Each handsome royal blue  hard copy volume contains over 150 unique inspirational quotes in each booklet that are sure to inspire you and bring many hours of reflection and growth.  Begin by puchasing Volume I for only $5 or purchase both Volumes for $10.  And remember, we mail Postage-Paid and there are no additional shipping charges. 

We can't promise our famous quotes can cure all of the world's ills--but it's a start!